Toy review: Beastman

Toy review

To me Beastman was the image of a missed opportunity. I didn’t like the toy, I didn’t like the cartoon Beastman, but I loved the idea. The iconic name, the idea that he has powers over the creatures of Eternia, genus! He’s wild, furry, huge, strong. In our imagination. The toy is mediocre unfortunately. I do like the combination of orange and blue. But the face, the weak muscles, the harness, no. Why wasn’t there a fur like Grizzlor got? Why isn’t the body more unique, massive, like Leech, or Two Bad? Or flocked like Moss man? Maybe they would look too similar then, they’re already sharing a head.

Beastman you didn’t hypnotise me. But don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of the idea behind him. Just not of the toy. UV light also wasn’t his friend. Face and harness appeared in a dirty blurry blue gray something. The orange body has potential, it glows nicely, same for the blue pants.

Quality wise I would say he’s OK. The arm accessories are too big, and I remember kept moving. The whip wasn’t really great to play with, and doesn’t look too impressive. OK no, the toy is on the lower end of mediocre.

Beastman in uv light