My brother and I were lucky enough to grow a nice collection of MOTU and also MASK in the 80s. As Cher said, if I could turn back time, I might have picked some Scareglows. Today I cannot even understand why we never chose one. On I will give some reviews on the toys, mainly my thoughts about the design and quality. Please note that we were the rather thoughtful players who took good care of the tiny monsters.
Our toys were all sold in Germany, and I guess made in Taiwan, though I’m not sure. Last time I saw our collection I noticed some mold, I will note that toy by toy in the blog!
Unfortunately I only have pictures from a UV light session in 2010. The UV light brought out some great effects on some figures like Roboto, Man-E-Faces and Stinkor. Others like Trapjaw, Hordak and Skeletor don’t look so great. I would love to see a couple of pictures under UV light from toys manufactured in other countries. They might have other materials that show a different respond to UV light.
Beastman, hairless mediocrity.
Mantenna, Hordak’s ear brother!
Leech, with a proper leech face!
Triclops, the least evil looking villain
Horde Trooper, with an instable flap
Grizzlor, the neckless Monchichi
Roboto, cruelty-free with a claw
Clawful, hard shell and soft head