This is my non-official, non-commercial site about the beloved Masters of the Universe. My intention is to spread and share my enthusiasm about this fantastic toy line that accompanied my childhood.
Hefarts goes online today! You will find fan art in written and drawn form about an almost 40 years old toy line that has influenced a whole generation of kids around the globe. My focus is on the original toys and the cartoon from the 80s. This blog will also document my development as an artist, beginning from absolute beginner. How did I start drawing? Read my journey of drawing here!
Clamp Champ, a modern 2m hero, with 33 point as strong as the irresistible Jitsu, Fisto and Beast man vs. good old Trapjaw, who is 20cm shorter, only 27 points strong. Both are equally slow, 6 points for speed. It is the brains that the evil warrior struggles with.
Nonetheless is Trapjaw one of the most experienced and most feared henchman of Skeletor. We can only guess why these two meet in the ring today. It might as well be a demonstration. The rusty oldschool Trapjaw fights the glossy new shootingstar hero. A clash of generations.
So let good and evil fight! Trapjaw, the blue half-man half-robot is an appearance, blue and pink, with rattling, squeaking black armor. He’s very active in the beginning, walking up and down. Thinking strategy, or is he? Watching the Champ, who seems a bit nervous, he tries to hide it, he tries to look like he’s in charge, but you can feel he’s not. Trapjaw hunts him, intimidates him with his nervous, noisy behavior. Who makes the first move? Clamp Champ does. He does what you expect him to do. He tries to clamp Trapjaw’s weapon arm, the firm grip disabling the black gun. But the gun is not the most dangerous weapon on the old fighter. While Clamp Champ tries to pull Trapjaw down to the ground, one firm bite with his mechanical jaws destroys the whole heavy clamp! The grip opens just enough to free the arm. But whatever you expected next did not happen, Trapjaw lands a simple front kick in Clamp Champs stomach. He stumbles back, but manages not to fall. Without the Clamp, the hero needs another tactic. He decides to grab Trapjaws head, to be safe from the jaws, and it seems he tries to bend the weapon arm towards Trapjaws own head! What a smart idea! Where did we see that happen before?!
He does it, he’s strong enough to slowly bend the gun towards Trapjaws head, keeping his own head out of reach of course. He’s even got the dangerous jaws under control, but then a shot! Not sure if the evil warrior meant to shoot, or if he lost control over his arm. But it’s not the blue body that loses tension, it’s the glossy hero behind him. Trapjaws helmet withstood the bullet, and directed it towards Clamp Champs head. The hero is down, after he first lost his giant weapon, and managed to come up with a plan b. The old rusty Trapjaw wins with a good portion of luck, and a proper helmet.
Drawing Clamp Champs arms from that angle was a fight I lost the second I had the idea to draw it…
To me Beastman was the image of a missed opportunity. I didn’t like the toy, I didn’t like the cartoon Beastman, but I loved the idea. The iconic name, the idea that he has powers over the creatures of Eternia, genus! He’s wild, furry, huge, strong. In our imagination. The toy is mediocre unfortunately. I do like the combination of orange and blue. But the face, the weak muscles, the harness, no. Why wasn’t there a fur like Grizzlor got? Why isn’t the body more unique, massive, like Leech, or Two Bad? Or flocked like Moss man? Maybe they would look too similar then, they’re already sharing a head.
Beastman you didn’t hypnotise me. But don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of the idea behind him. Just not of the toy. UV light also wasn’t his friend. Face and harness appeared in a dirty blurry blue gray something. The orange body has potential, it glows nicely, same for the blue pants.
Quality wise I would say he’s OK. The arm accessories are too big, and I remember kept moving. The whip wasn’t really great to play with, and doesn’t look too impressive. OK no, the toy is on the lower end of mediocre.
The perfect Saturday morning was when both, Masters of the Universe, and Mobile Armored Strike Kommand were on. The latter had the sequence when the best agents for the current mission were selected by the computer. It’s voice was a bit annoying, but the blueprint like images of the agents and their vehicles were absolutely amazing, and my highlight of each episode. Believe it or not, I had no name for these images. Blueprint, vector design, monochrome sketch? I asked in the Facebook group ‘M.A.S.K. Toys and Fans by’, and it seemed there no broadly used term for it. I’ll go for monochrome monitor image for now.
So what if MOTU did the same? Computer, select the best agents to fight Skeletor…
While MASK would only introduce the heros in that cool monochrome design, has the evil for you as well! Wait for much more to come… it’s fun to draw.
Mantenna was one of my first MOTU figures in the 80s, and it absolutely made sense for me, because I was fascinated by insects and spiders since I could walk. 40 years later I will admit that Hordaks bug man and me, we have a love-hate relationship. And here’s why. When you are familiar with the basic anatomy of an insect, you will have sniffed out that Mantenna’s ears (!) must be a product of humongous fantasy. I mean ears! They do look like a giant version of Hordak’s ears, don’t know if that means anything. As a boy I thought Mantenna is a spider, but there was much more creativity behind that figure. It’s an insectoid bug horde monster thing.
Then the eyes, definitely hypnotic, but otherwise very human as well. No hint of compound insect eyes. I guess it’s a repeating pattern in the MOTU toyline. They don’t make sense, it’s not logical, and that’s what keeps it in your head. You chew on the imperfection trying to understand it.
The eyes-out-feature worked perfectly, great quality! ‘The spy with the pop-out eyes’ as Mattel called him, was able to shoot beams with them. So they might have thought a spy needs proper hearing, what goes of course hand in hand with the size of the ears.
The black patch where you would expect a nose in a face always looked like a spider to me, like a logo, but it would have weirdly aligned 10 legs. It just now appears to me it could be meant as a hole, even a mouth! My photo is taken under uv light, and the mouth looks like a sandworm’s mouth from Dune.
Then there’s two prominent fangs, like tarantulas have them parallel to the body.
What bothered me even more than the ears are the legs. It must have been an economical decision to merge two legs to one, so that Mantenna has four. It makes the legs look weirdly broad, almost like he’s a cowboy in chaps. Counting the arms in, we find six limbs on our Horde creature. Somehow Mantenna’s arms are a bit bent, making him look ready to draw his guns.
Compared to other figures, Mantenna seemed smaller, flatter, and kind weaker, but luckily the toy didn’t look as ridiculous as the cartoon character. His awesome quality, and the decent colors made him a great toy. Together with Leech, Grizzlor, Modulok and Dragstor, the Evil horde was a gang of unique monsters. The kind of monsters that made parents roll their eyes.
Ram Man got 29 points in hefarts table of skills, he’s quite smart (8 of 10). With impressive 2.1m and 140kg he’s surprisingly fast. His tribe is famous for their craftsmanship, they are builders, creative and handy combined. Rising, breaking down, repeating. Our famous hero decided to fight for the good, and gave up the construction business long ago.
Two Bad is even bigger (2.3m, 200kg) and pretty strong, but gained only 26 points in total because he’s not the brightest, and really slow (4 out of 10 points). He, or they, are notoriously unhappy, annoyed, angry – negativity in any possible way.
Two heads on one warrior seem useless first. OK, you have two pairs of eyes to keep your back clear. No, even on second thought it’s useless. Especially for the titfortat, with only one opponent in a ring, two heads are useless. It slows him, or them down. The permanent dialog, the many unconnected thoughts must drive both trolls crazy. Or drove them crazy. Nothing else was Merman’s plan, when he merged two trolls. People agreed that it was just an evil joke, maybe a trick to weaken Skeletor. Not to take his trolls down, but to turn them into an annoyance, useless and hindering. Or was more behind all this?
Ram Man is not known as an overthinker. He’s not dumb, he just doesn’t want to take over responsibility. He’s a hammer, a destroyer. The smart guys can figure out what to smash when, and what to do with whatever Ram Man left. In titfortat, there’s no one to tell him what to do, and there’s no wall to break down, no door to open, no evil vehicle to stop. Only a two headed freak, two monsters in one. Another evil creature that wouldn’t even exist, if there wasn’t evil magic. Hordak, Skeletor, Evil Lin, King Hiss. Merman. They all mess with dark magic and create monsters like Two Bad.
Both are not made for a ring fight. Great! So let the ring fight begin.
The smart handyman in his helmet against the slow, crazy giant. Ram Man is not the guy who could tire someone out. He has to come up with a plan to knock the crazy one out without getting into his massive arms. But it’s hard to think when two idiots won’t stop talking, and even worse, giggling and slurping. Two Bad is a smelly, noisy, dangerous creature. He constantly walks towards Ram Man, one head smiling, talking brabberish, while the other head shows no expression at all. Just calls him, ‘Raaam maaan’. Ram Man goes in, but instead of going head first towards Skeletors henchman, he throws himself on the ground, rolling perpendicular in Two Bads feet! What a move, not elegant, but effective. Two Bad stumbles, falls, and tries the reach for the hero on the floor. But it takes him too long to reach down, and while the monster falls forward, Ram Man rolls further way. He has enough time to get up, and for a second gets scared of the noise coming from Two Bad. But the reason for the noise is different now. They are arguing, left and right head get into a fight over the poor response to Ram Man’s attack. This gives our hero the chance for a second strike. He jumps high up and lands a punch on Two Bads chest, right in the center where the trolls are connected. A blue shimmer of light appears, and pushes Ram Man back. That was not the effect he expected to see. The two headed monster did not suffer from that punch. The evil magic that keeps these two together seems to protect them from being separated. Ram Man is out of breath, his fist hurts terribly. Two Bad crawls toward the hero on the floor, he crawls onto him. 200kg are a burden. For both. Two Bad takes the helmet between his massive hands, and starts squeezing. Screaming, growling, coughing, they make all kinds of disgusting sounds, while they crush the helmet first, then the head. Ram Man’s helmet was not made for pressure from the sides. What a terrible end here.
I just realised I was never too much into flying vehicles or action figures. It wouldn’t stop me from buying those as a kid, but they weren’t my favourites. MOTU had just very few, Buzz Off, Zoar, maybe Hordak, and of course Stratos. The rest needed a Wind Raider.
MASK had many more, Thunderhawk, Stiletto, Firefly, Manta, Condor, Dynamo, Slingshot, Switchblade, Goliath, Buzzard, Meteor, Wolfbeast, Vampire, and the amazing Corvette Raven brought your imagination high up.
I combined Stratos and Raven, creating Ravos, THE airborne superhero. Stratos was never in my collection, though I do like the gray color. But the fly-theme in my opinion was not well visible. He’s more like some hairy guy who clipped feathers to his arms.
Raven’s colors were perfect for a more serious looking hero. The Gulliver mask of Calhoun Burns might look a bit like a biker helmet. It hides Stratos’ ape-like face. Ravos is using one of the immobiliser discs, which might return to him like Thor’s hammer. If I’m not mistaken Stratos in the original version had no weapon at all.
I came up with a raven logo, because it always bothered me how little MASK vehicle names were connected to their design. Isn’t it weak to have nothing but black color on a car called Raven?
Stratos is represented in the feather attachments, and the harness.
You ask yourself why these two robots have a titfortat? Here’s why: Roboto probably wanted it. It shouldn’t be possible, but who if not Roboto is able to even manipulate titfortat?! This mechanic guy is a wonder boy, even to his make Man at arms.
Roboto is aware that Horde Troopers are programmed to collect raw materials for their own reproduction. For them, Roboto is nothing but a bunch of metal which they could use to produce more troopers.
Roboto likely calls for this battle to make a statement. He is the boss-robot on Eternia, and he’s not a warehouse!
2.1m, 200kg, 35 points for Roboto; fighting the 2.5m, 170kg and 31 points trooper. Horde Troopers are giant killing machines, but Roboto has the ability to think differently. He’s weirdly intelligent.
Let’s start this robotic titfortat!
The fight begins very quietly. Silent whirring noises and blinking lights make clear, here are two computers calculating well before striking.
And then it all happens like a well studied choreography. The Trooper strikes first, a red laser beam towards Roboto’s head. He bends his knees just enough to not get hit, and then fires back a double-laser beam. This is not a deadly strike, he fires high up to distract Hordak’s robot, moves to the left and cuts the Troopers arm off in a split second!
It becomes clear that the superior heroic Robot does not intend to end this quickly, he seems to enjoy the demolition of his opponent. No chance for the taller horde machine. Cruel 20 minutes later Roboto ends this titfortat by smashing the Troopers head under his foot. What a demonstration of sinister good power!
My holy grail of drawing so far is the crossover of MOTU and MASK, I’ll call it MASTrs. MASKERS. Besides MOTU, MASK was the second toyline that made my childhood. The cartoon was like He-Man in a typical 80s format. Another similarity is the annoying side kick T-bob, whom I like as much as Orko. So far I haven’t seen any new MASK yet, not sure why. I know there are many enthusiasts waiting!
For this crossover I combined Beastman with Wolfbeast, resulting in beastBeast! Wolfbeast is Mayhems dark blue Corvette Stingray with neon pink flames, and Mayhem is wearing a skull mask, called New Viper (why would things make sense here?! Where’s the wolf-reference?). BeastBeast is a dark blue version of Beastman, including some neon pink pattern. He is wearing New Viper, and carries an axe inculding wheels of Wolfbeast as weapon. This time I learned drawing an almost entirely dark character. I highlighted the edges with lighter blue and it worked fine. Motivated by that I also tried some more shading. He wears the spider like symbol Mayhem has on his uniform (OK what is the theme, Wolf, Stingray, Viper or Spider?), and the arm accessories are green like the clone, one with Beastman-like spikes, the other with the alien-like skull from Wolfbeast’s hood. Having that done I realised that the three main colors suddenly resembled Trapjaw’s color mix. I totally avoided any of Beastman’s orange, so I used itfor thebackground. May (hem, hehe) beastBeast be the start to a new series of crossovers on
I totally understand that some people don’t like watching Family Guy. They go far to far sometimes, no, often. I love it. I do not like my crossover. Not because it is especially bad, or boring, no because it happened to be quite scary. Mostly Chris, who is now Creech, and even that name sounds intimidating, His leechy teeth look awesome, and he’s got green suction cups. Peter is Horde Pooper, the red bat goes well with his white shirt. He looks funny with no neck.
Megstor, Dragstor as Meg works well too. Both are kind of permanent victims of evil people.
Mosquitor and Stewie, that makes Mosqwie. His face impression is a bit weird. Maybe he’s insecure with the snozzle for his nozzle.
But his Teddy, Rupert, is the cutest Grizzlor ever. Lets call him Ruzzlor. He could easily tear them all apart, but he decided to enjoy the family life.
And last but not least Herbert with four legs and eyes apart, that’s Manbert the Hypno!
I made this drawing some years ago, and looking at it now I wished I had made it a bit more MOTU, and less Family Guy. What do you think?
The original Leech toy from the 80s was never my favourite, but I always liked it. It might have been the enormous size, or the dark green color in combination with the red Horde symbol, and the orange rings around what must be the leeches wrists.
Mattel gave Leech a unique body, like Two-Bad, Extendar, Grizzlor, Mantenna and some others. The huge round feet make a stable stand, though my Leech had always a bit wobbly legs. The photo is taken under uv light, and the worn off area in his inner legs fluorescent pretty strong for some reason. His arms are strong, but his muscles not as defined as the more human figures, they kind of remind me of Bud Spencer. His hands are real working suction cups! In the 80s She-Ra: Princess of Power series Leech would use these hands to drain energy from enemies by holding their head between the hands. On the original box, Leech holds Man-at-Arm up, using his mouth, not his hands. It says ‘Leech sucks the power from his enemies ‘. Because neither the hands, nor the mouth of the toy were made to hold another figure, it never really worked for me that he sucks energy. The mouth was a more sophisticated suction cup. It was flat, painted teeth on it, with a soft seal, the lips around it. A button on the back allowed us to pump a vacuum, when you pressed Leech against a flat surface. That worked well on glass, you could hang the heavy green horde member for some seconds. The hands wouldn’t hold him.
For the longest time I thought the flat mouth of the toy would be a compromise for the production. In fact the toy looks more like a leech than the more reptile-like cartoon version. Too bad I haven’t had a close-up of a real leech in the 80s! Making a leech one of the bulkiest members of the universe, with strong arms and legs, that’s what I love MOTU for!
It is the only green horde member, but he’s in good, green company. Mossman, Whiplash, Merman, Triclops, Man-at-Arms, Kobra Khan, and King Hiss are all very green.
Quality wise Leech is a great toy without flaws. The rubber is very durable, and the color rock solid. There’s a tiny bit of black mold on his hands, that’s it.