This is my non-official, non-commercial site about the beloved Masters of the Universe. My intention is to spread and share my enthusiasm about this fantastic toy line that accompanied my childhood.
The MASK Monochrome Monitor Images got me for a while. The figures are somewhat challenging to draw, because I’m still no hero when it comes to hands and faces, so I went for the vehicles. I never bought one (or better said wished for one) when I was young, but I got a second hand Wind Raider in poor condition once. Computer, select the best suited vehicles for the next mission in Eternia.
Wind Raider
Battle Bones
Land Shark
Clamp Champ, a modern 2m hero, with 33 point as strong as the irresistible Jitsu, Fisto and Beast man vs. good old Trapjaw, who is 20cm shorter, only 27 points strong. Both are equally slow, 6 points for speed. It is the brains that the evil warrior struggles with.
Nonetheless is Trapjaw one of the most experienced and most feared henchman of Skeletor. We can only guess why these two meet in the ring today. It might as well be a demonstration. The rusty oldschool Trapjaw fights the glossy new shootingstar hero. A clash of generations.
So let good and evil fight! Trapjaw, the blue half-man half-robot is an appearance, blue and pink, with rattling, squeaking black armor. He’s very active in the beginning, walking up and down. Thinking strategy, or is he? Watching the Champ, who seems a bit nervous, he tries to hide it, he tries to look like he’s in charge, but you can feel he’s not. Trapjaw hunts him, intimidates him with his nervous, noisy behavior. Who makes the first move? Clamp Champ does. He does what you expect him to do. He tries to clamp Trapjaw’s weapon arm, the firm grip disabling the black gun. But the gun is not the most dangerous weapon on the old fighter. While Clamp Champ tries to pull Trapjaw down to the ground, one firm bite with his mechanical jaws destroys the whole heavy clamp! The grip opens just enough to free the arm. But whatever you expected next did not happen, Trapjaw lands a simple front kick in Clamp Champs stomach. He stumbles back, but manages not to fall. Without the Clamp, the hero needs another tactic. He decides to grab Trapjaws head, to be safe from the jaws, and it seems he tries to bend the weapon arm towards Trapjaws own head! What a smart idea! Where did we see that happen before?!
He does it, he’s strong enough to slowly bend the gun towards Trapjaws head, keeping his own head out of reach of course. He’s even got the dangerous jaws under control, but then a shot! Not sure if the evil warrior meant to shoot, or if he lost control over his arm. But it’s not the blue body that loses tension, it’s the glossy hero behind him. Trapjaws helmet withstood the bullet, and directed it towards Clamp Champs head. The hero is down, after he first lost his giant weapon, and managed to come up with a plan b. The old rusty Trapjaw wins with a good portion of luck, and a proper helmet.
Drawing Clamp Champs arms from that angle was a fight I lost the second I had the idea to draw it…
To me Beastman was the image of a missed opportunity. I didn’t like the toy, I didn’t like the cartoon Beastman, but I loved the idea. The iconic name, the idea that he has powers over the creatures of Eternia, genus! He’s wild, furry, huge, strong. In our imagination. The toy is mediocre unfortunately. I do like the combination of orange and blue. But the face, the weak muscles, the harness, no. Why wasn’t there a fur like Grizzlor got? Why isn’t the body more unique, massive, like Leech, or Two Bad? Or flocked like Moss man? Maybe they would look too similar then, they’re already sharing a head.
Beastman you didn’t hypnotise me. But don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of the idea behind him. Just not of the toy. UV light also wasn’t his friend. Face and harness appeared in a dirty blurry blue gray something. The orange body has potential, it glows nicely, same for the blue pants.
Quality wise I would say he’s OK. The arm accessories are too big, and I remember kept moving. The whip wasn’t really great to play with, and doesn’t look too impressive. OK no, the toy is on the lower end of mediocre.