Titfortat is a serious MOTU tournament! It´s my concept of how the characters would do in a one-on-one fight. The 80s cartoon and Mini-comics did sometimes not fully satisfy my need for action. Too often He-Man and ended the scene by throwing a boulder on someone or vice versa. Too often I wondered if Skeletors skills in magic wouldn´t have allowed for a bit more, I asked myself whether Merman, Trapjaw, and Beastman are really that dumb, and couldn´t have figured out some more promising plans. I wished Ram-man wasn´t just ramming, and Man at arm’s intelligence more prominent.

So I gave my favorite toys a ranking (see here) in their powers and made them fight.
Titfortat has details of my self-gathered and supplemented storyline. Of course most of the details are not new, for sure most has already been written in one of the many media. I just utilize the skills, add a bit and try to get the story round.
Maybe these fights are also a topic for new drawings in the future. I’ll update the results of posted fights here too!
Beastman | Spikor | Beastman got stabbed |
Snoutspout | Squeeze | Snoutspout got choked |
Tri-Klops | Grizzlor | Tri-Klops torn apart… |
Clawful | Extendar | Extendar cut into pieces |
Tung Lashor | Modulok | Modulok poisoned |
Jitsu | Whiplash | Whiplash got tired |
Blast Attak | Fisto | Blast Attak knocked out |
Roboto | Horde Trooper | Trooper disassembled |