You ask yourself why these two robots have a titfortat? Here’s why: Roboto probably wanted it. It shouldn’t be possible, but who if not Roboto is able to even manipulate titfortat?! This mechanic guy is a wonder boy, even to his make Man at arms.
Roboto is aware that Horde Troopers are programmed to collect raw materials for their own reproduction. For them, Roboto is nothing but a bunch of metal which they could use to produce more troopers.
Roboto likely calls for this battle to make a statement. He is the boss-robot on Eternia, and he’s not a warehouse!
2.1m, 200kg, 35 points for Roboto; fighting the 2.5m, 170kg and 31 points trooper. Horde Troopers are giant killing machines, but Roboto has the ability to think differently. He’s weirdly intelligent.
Let’s start this robotic titfortat!
The fight begins very quietly. Silent whirring noises and blinking lights make clear, here are two computers calculating well before striking.
And then it all happens like a well studied choreography. The Trooper strikes first, a red laser beam towards Roboto’s head. He bends his knees just enough to not get hit, and then fires back a double-laser beam. This is not a deadly strike, he fires high up to distract Hordak’s robot, moves to the left and cuts the Troopers arm off in a split second!
It becomes clear that the superior heroic Robot does not intend to end this quickly, he seems to enjoy the demolition of his opponent. No chance for the taller horde machine. Cruel 20 minutes later Roboto ends this titfortat by smashing the Troopers head under his foot. What a demonstration of sinister good power!