Hefart’s titfortat goes into the next round! MOTU Snakeman vs. Horde, we thought that is just history. But now this battle?! Hordak couldn’t be banned for long obviously. He definitely pulls some strings.
But this fight very much looks like the snake King himself wants to send a message. Of course to Hordak. The old enemy.
No way that Tung Lashor, the anaconda, the muscle man of the snake warriors, would seek the battle with Hordaks mysterious red thing. The two headed, or two one-headed, six, five, four or less legged set of living pieces.
30 points, 2.5m high and 190kg of pure strength vs. 31 points for the living meat bits. What can possibly go wrong?
Fight! Tung lashor is a squeezer, even his poisonous tung is made to squeeze.
But how Modulok is gonna fight is so hard to say. Usually you only see him shooting from a hideout. Is he a fighter at all?
The snake immediately runs towards Modulok, grabs him and pouw! the red devil seems to explode! Is that it?
For sure not. His parts, all over the area, start crawling towards the irritated Snakeman. Arms grab, mouths bite and the power snake doesn’t know how to squeeze. Tiny opponents are not his’. He starts stepping on the parts, but this is not how he is used to fight. His legs are now covered, he tumbles! Falls! But then he uses his tung, green, and poisonous. A few seconds of contact and the pieces turn dark and seem to die. He throws, licks, smashes, until finally nothing moves. Modulok is beaten.
What a miserable fight. What a mess. #tunglashor #modulok #snakemen #evilhorde #motutitfortat