Rio's burger

Crossover: Rio’s burgers


Bob’s burgers is a fantastic cartoon! Bob’s face hair remined me a lot on Rio Blast, so that a crossover was very simple! From black to brown hair, and from weapon-rich armor to an apron. The pocket on his apron is exactly Rio’s flap, where he hides his weapons. His family counts three females, what was a bit of a problem, since MOTU doesn’t give many options here. Though I think I could have invested some more fantasy here.

Queen Marlene is Marlinda now, and she lost the queen-like serious attitude, plus she wears glasses. The rest of her appearance is very much the Queen. Teela is Teena, and that didn’t work out so well. I’ve combined Tina’s shirt with Teela’s amour, and I gave her Teela’s hair color. Below the belt she is dressed like Teela, though Tina’s legs are a bit weaker… She also has the Bob’s burger’s character’s attitude with sloping shoulders, what is the opposite of Teela.

Louise became Louork, because both have pointy ears. There isn’t much left from Louise, maybe only the eye leashes. I guess she would be happy to be just Orko.

Last and least there is Genetendar – the chubby knight. I think he is okay, I didn’t know how to combine both heads, so I went with Gene’s. Arms and shoulders are nice, but I couldn’t get the right angle for the six pack on the amour (?). Below the head he is basically Extendar in blue shorts.

The black background was meant to highlight the colors, but I noticed later it is too far from the burger place, and didn’t really fit. But since this is one of the early sketchbook drawings, I made it all in one layer, so that changes aren’t that easy. To be honest I lost interest in this peace early, because except for Rio I don’t like it.

Rio's burger

Ok two of the three kids are fine to float, but Teena is as always a bit weird…

Beau-Tee and the Beastman


Teela and Beastman meeting in the 1991 Disney version of Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve’s Beauty and the Beast (1756). The viewer takes part in the dancing scene. Beastman holding Beau-Tee’s hands, obviously attending to look at the camera, but then distracted by we-don’t-know-what, gazing to his left. Is this a sign of his bad conscious? Does he feel trapped, maybe even caught in the romantic act with the enemies daughter? His dress is a bit off-shape, for sure Beastman never learned how to take care of a doublet. It is a clear night, we can see many stars shining through the large windows.

Beau-Tee looks like she is fully dissolved in the situation, admiring Beastman’s strength. Her head is half a size too small for her body, and maybe that small head is what explains the situation.

Crossover: Glow-Garmel


“I hate these SMASTERS” may Glow-garmel shout while he waves his mesh. Gargamel is a very mean character in the smurfs, and he ruins the perfect live in the smurf village. Combined with Scare glow he does glow of course, but also got a purple collar and skeleton- hands of course! His even meaner cat Azrael is now Panthor. I’ll call him Azraelor! Very simple to crossover, any violet cat will make a MOTU fan think of Panthor..

So far so good, black background and aura around his head are fine. BUT the smurfs gave me headaches, maybe because I tried to put too many details in a tiny object. Man-E-faces might be obvious (though he’s got that olfactory bulb), he is now Man-E-smurf, but Stratos (Strato smurf, hmhm!) was not a good choice. He has just not enough outstanding details. And yes, he tries to climb down the table, while he is obviously able to fly. That’s smurf in a nutshell, isn’t it?

Yeah but the table… I was not able to get that perspective, and very clear: Drawing everything in the same layer does not help! I tried, because I didn’t know better, and that made it impossible to erase and try again. A new layer for table would have given me all options to work it out.

Be what it is, this was an early work in Autodesk Sketchbook and it is not too bad I think! More to come


Crossover: Dr. Bladels and Stinkis


I’m not sure how many of you got to know Dr. Snuggles, the warm-hearted hero in a world full of magic and technology. If you don’t, sorry, but you have missed out on something really unique! Watch it now, in a moment when you are really open for some weird stuff. His friend Dennis is a badger, he’s got a mouse friend, a robot, a space ship and so much more. Crossing him with Blade, the MOTU movie character, took a lot of his innocence, even though I only gave him a knife and an eye cap. In the comic, Dr. Snuggles appears to be much fitter than his body might make you think, so fear Dr. Bladels! Dennis became Stinkis, and he used to be a kind and handy friend. Stinkor is similar, maybe not looking friendly, but always helping. Obviously his odor causes some irritation, imagine the situation as introduction of the new assistant. There would be a *boing* sound in the cartoon. I managed to let the sun shine, and I’m proud of how the horizon looks realistic.

Three little war pigs


I forgot one hand drawn picture! This should be the last now. It is not really a crossover from another cartoon, but somehow a crossover from a music video! See the video Green Jelly – Three Little Pigs and enjoy the music, the image I used is at 4’44! The three war pigs are Trapjaw, Triclops and Stinkor, and they are looking at Skeletor, who is the wolf in this story. He is bleeding, and we will never know what happened here.

Look at the shadows, have you ever thought Triclops’ head looks like a cowboy with a hat?

Very challenging for me: helicopter view, plus shadows. Oh and Skeletor’s face from the side…

Webstor, the really real spiderman!


“I want spiderman, I want him to be spider under his mask, and when I call him at night I want him to say spider things and nothing else!” Love JJJJr? Me too! One of the first sketches I colored in Sketchbook (on my phone!) is the famous kiss of Peter and Mary Jane. Imagine it turned out that Webstor is the hero in disguise! His face went well, I like the red eyes on dark blue. MJ’s mouth had to make up for a bit too much distance to Webstor’s mouth, so she has a strong chin… Please not the light/ shadow from the street light. I started this sketch with pencil until I had it, then used black felt tip pen to draw the contours and colored a picture of that in sketchbook.

Crossover: Adam the Schmadam


Oh man how much I struggle with faces! Yes, he got a bit cheeky on purpose, but Schmadam looks like the blonde baby king from GOT! He looks so mean, but he loves his cat, look how he is grooming his snoot! Note how Schmadam holds the edge of his bubble. I really went 3D here. The character Dennis was so different from Adam, compare both cartoons! Same for Ruff and Cringer, it is as if those roles were mixed-up, who is the one protecting Eternia, and who is the 5 years old boy? This crossover was a lot of fun and brought back some 80s memories to me. Cringer was surprisingly easy to draw, but Schmadam’s right arm is an upsi.

Crossover: Leashor the frog


Another early piece. Tung Leashor fits well into Kermit’s shape, because he is more of a frog-man than a snakeman. The hands (!), the patterns, the long tung, all fits well, and it made me admire how Mattel nevertheless managed to give Tung Leashor an evil look. In my Table of skills Tung Leashor is a 190kg beast, here he is a baby muppet!

Kermit as baby version was rather easy to draw, he’s even got a happy face expression. Even the green snake on his chest looks cute.

I was using pastel text markers for the background. The whole sketch looks a bit rushed, because I was already thinking of the next! So many crossovers to come, wait for it!

Leashor the frog

Image 1 of 1

Tung Leashor's colors fit well to baby Kermit


Crossover: Rammy


Yes, I tried any crossover that came to my mind, why not?! Gummy bears was a great cartoon with fantastic ideas. I’m sure I’ll try a crossover again. That one was the first, and somehow I forgot to add more Ram Man features while drawing. Of course Tummy the bigger bear is a good fit for our jumping hero, but hell, how could I forget the green legs? The sandals must have taken all my attention. I do like the crossover from the very shy bear and the trough-the-wall Ram Man. Imagine how he would excuse himself while smashing Snake Mountain.

Crossover: Horde bear


Hordak is one of my favourite characters, and I’m trying to bring him on paper frequently. But for some reason he is one of the most difficult characters for crossovers.

Take this Horde bear. He is cute and I’m sure he cares, but his head is not as hordaky as I wanted it to be. I guess it is some less obvious features that make Hordak, maybe the missing nose? I just realised that I don’t even have a good idea how I imagine his head to look like.

Till next time, my evil leader!

Horde bear