Crossover: Monochrome Monitor Images 2


The MASK Monochrome Monitor Images got me for a while. The figures are somewhat challenging to draw, because I’m still no hero when it comes to hands and faces, so I went for the vehicles. I never bought one (or better said wished for one) when I was young, but I got a second hand Wind Raider in poor condition once. Computer, select the best suited vehicles for the next mission in Eternia.

Wind Raider


Battle Bones


Land Shark


Crossover: Ravos


I just realised I was never too much into flying vehicles or action figures. It wouldn’t stop me from buying those as a kid, but they weren’t my favourites. MOTU had just very few, Buzz Off, Zoar, maybe Hordak, and of course Stratos. The rest needed a Wind Raider.

MASK had many more, Thunderhawk, Stiletto, Firefly, Manta, Condor, Dynamo, Slingshot, Switchblade, Goliath, Buzzard, Meteor, Wolfbeast, Vampire, and the amazing Corvette Raven brought your imagination high up.

I combined Stratos and Raven, creating Ravos, THE airborne superhero. Stratos was never in my collection, though I do like the gray color. But the fly-theme in my opinion was not well visible. He’s more like some hairy guy who clipped feathers to his arms.

Raven’s colors were perfect for a more serious looking hero. The Gulliver mask of Calhoun Burns might look a bit like a biker helmet. It hides Stratos’ ape-like face. Ravos is using one of the immobiliser discs, which might return to him like Thor’s hammer. If I’m not mistaken Stratos in the original version had no weapon at all.

I came up with a raven logo, because it always bothered me how little MASK vehicle names were connected to their design. Isn’t it weak to have nothing but black color on a car called Raven?

Stratos is represented in the feather attachments, and the harness.

Crossover: beastBeast


My holy grail of drawing so far is the crossover of MOTU and MASK, I’ll call it MASTrs. MASKERS. Besides MOTU, MASK was the second toyline that made my childhood. The cartoon was like He-Man in a typical 80s format. Another similarity is the annoying side kick T-bob, whom I like as much as Orko. So far I haven’t seen any new MASK yet, not sure why. I know there are many enthusiasts waiting!

For this crossover I combined Beastman with Wolfbeast, resulting in beastBeast! Wolfbeast is Mayhems dark blue Corvette Stingray with neon pink flames, and Mayhem is wearing a skull mask, called New Viper (why would things make sense here?! Where’s the wolf-reference?). BeastBeast is a dark blue version of Beastman, including some neon pink pattern. He is wearing New Viper, and carries an axe inculding wheels of Wolfbeast as weapon. This time I learned drawing an almost entirely dark character. I highlighted the edges with lighter blue and it worked fine. Motivated by that I also tried some more shading. He wears the spider like symbol Mayhem has on his uniform (OK what is the theme, Wolf, Stingray, Viper or Spider?), and the arm accessories are green like the clone, one with Beastman-like spikes, the other with the alien-like skull from Wolfbeast’s hood. Having that done I realised that the three main colors suddenly resembled Trapjaw’s color mix. I totally avoided any of Beastman’s orange, so I used itfor thebackground. May (hem, hehe) beastBeast be the start to a new series of crossovers on

Crossover: Family horde


I totally understand that some people don’t like watching Family Guy. They go far to far sometimes, no, often. I love it. I do not like my crossover. Not because it is especially bad, or boring, no because it happened to be quite scary. Mostly Chris, who is now Creech, and even that name sounds intimidating, His leechy teeth look awesome, and he’s got green suction cups. Peter is Horde Pooper, the red bat goes well with his white shirt. He looks funny with no neck.

Megstor, Dragstor as Meg works well too. Both are kind of permanent victims of evil people.

Mosquitor and Stewie, that makes Mosqwie. His face impression is a bit weird. Maybe he’s insecure with the snozzle for his nozzle.

But his Teddy, Rupert, is the cutest Grizzlor ever. Lets call him Ruzzlor. He could easily tear them all apart, but he decided to enjoy the family life.

And last but not least Herbert with four legs and eyes apart, that’s Manbert the Hypno!

I made this drawing some years ago, and looking at it now I wished I had made it a bit more MOTU, and less Family Guy. What do you think?


Crossover: Man-E-Matryoshkas


When I got this idea, I had to draw it immediately, because it fits so well. The famous and beautiful Russian dolls are a great way to display all three faces of Man-E-Faces. His strange helmet has just the right voluminous shape to make him a doll. Let’s hope for him that the human part is the biggest one! MOTU’s Man-E-Faces as Russian dolls.


This project was a good chance to use some tools. I used the symmetry tool from Sketchbook. The line prediction caused some effect I think is beneficial, it simply rounded the corners. I also finally learned to copy and paste objects. It’s a while ago that I drew it, but it will always be one of my favourite drawings. 






Crossover: Warfield


The grumpy, selfish, but also kind of self-confident 80s cartoon-cat Garfield had a very different relationship to his hooman John compared to Cringer and Prince Adam. While John was a truly innocent guy, who was more or less abused by Garfield, Adam with his two identities had full control over Cringer. I would say both John and Cringer were poor creatures under the control of a strong character.

As well as the crossover of roles worked in this sketch, the crossover of both cartoons has worked out well too. I managed to draw a warm back-light, suggesting a cozy TV evening. Both Warfield and Adam seem very happy and peaceful. Adams boots were replaced by slippers, and the pink sword is unnecessary. I guess they might transform to He-man and Battle cat to go for more-action activities?

Crossover: Masters of the Quest


The two seasons of “World of Quest” were released in 2008/ 2009. It is about the slightly spoiled Prince Nestor, who’s parents got kidnapped, and his mysterious, powerful, and petulant nurse/ bodyguard Quest. Let’s talk about these two characters first.

Finding a MOTU prince for this crossover was (too) easy. Prince Adam is Adamstor, same as all characters he has the body of the World of Quest character. In future I hope I manage to meld the bodies better. There is not too much to discover on him, he got Adams legs, and Nestor’s dress. The most obvious change is his weapon, he is carrying Prince Adam’s pink sword instead of the golden axe. Prince Adam’s sword by the way is thankfully not pink in the cartoon, but anyway he rarely used it.

Quest is now Man-E-Quest, and these characters melt well, both are mystical. One is an almost 2000 years old, unbeatable warrior, the other has three faces for some reason. Wait for the Toy review on hefarts! He is wearing Quest’s suit in Man-E-Faces colors, which makes not too much of a difference. His belt and the “sword holder” or sheath, are original Quest-colored. Most funny detail is the helmet, which in case of Man-E-Faces is a chunk. Quest’s chin on the other hand is a typical cartoon-testosterone-virility symbol for the superhuman bodyguard. I kept that, with the result that the helmet had to shrink. Not sure how the face-rotation would work, but a bit of a squeezing would totally be ok in Masters of the Quest. World of Quest has a sometimes very goofy humor, so different from the 80s MOTU cartoon.

The big guy in the background is Graertos, a griffin-like friend of Quest’s. He can fly and has feathers, so who else but Stratos could have been crossed with him? Battlecat would have been funny I’m thinking now. But it is Stratos. I tried a crossover with Stratos before, in Glow-Garmel, and one more time after Masters of the Quest, and I must say he is a difficult to draw character. If you want he is just a grey figure with some feather applications. What confuses me is his face, he is a bird man, but he only got a pointy mouth, is it a beak or not? What is he? In my crossover with Graer he has a beak, and it is a big one! This crossover made Stratos a bird, and I like that! I failed to add much more Stratos-details to this character, so let’s just continue.

There is the other friend of Nestor and Quest, Gatling. A cyborg human who eats metal and chews it to bullets, which he then spits out like a gun. So a guy with dark skin and affinity to weapons, he? Let’s make him Clampling! I never owned the Clamp Champ toy unfortunately. I’m not sure why, today I would leave a Snakeface or King Randor where they are and take him. His trademark is the huge clamp-weapon. I replaced Gatling’s robo-hand by this clamp, and gave him Clamp Champ’s red pants. The rest is very much unchanged.

This MOTU- World of Quest – Crossover is still far away from perfect, but is one of the step stones on my way to hopefully great pieces on day! Drawing such characters is a great opportunity to discover details from those cartoons, which you might no catch when you just watch it.

Note the visible spiral binding on the left. I still drew with pencil first, then with felt pen. On Sketchbook I colored a photo of my drawing.

Rio's burger

Crossover: Rio’s burgers


Bob’s burgers is a fantastic cartoon! Bob’s face hair remined me a lot on Rio Blast, so that a crossover was very simple! From black to brown hair, and from weapon-rich armor to an apron. The pocket on his apron is exactly Rio’s flap, where he hides his weapons. His family counts three females, what was a bit of a problem, since MOTU doesn’t give many options here. Though I think I could have invested some more fantasy here.

Queen Marlene is Marlinda now, and she lost the queen-like serious attitude, plus she wears glasses. The rest of her appearance is very much the Queen. Teela is Teena, and that didn’t work out so well. I’ve combined Tina’s shirt with Teela’s amour, and I gave her Teela’s hair color. Below the belt she is dressed like Teela, though Tina’s legs are a bit weaker… She also has the Bob’s burger’s character’s attitude with sloping shoulders, what is the opposite of Teela.

Louise became Louork, because both have pointy ears. There isn’t much left from Louise, maybe only the eye leashes. I guess she would be happy to be just Orko.

Last and least there is Genetendar – the chubby knight. I think he is okay, I didn’t know how to combine both heads, so I went with Gene’s. Arms and shoulders are nice, but I couldn’t get the right angle for the six pack on the amour (?). Below the head he is basically Extendar in blue shorts.

The black background was meant to highlight the colors, but I noticed later it is too far from the burger place, and didn’t really fit. But since this is one of the early sketchbook drawings, I made it all in one layer, so that changes aren’t that easy. To be honest I lost interest in this peace early, because except for Rio I don’t like it.

Rio's burger

Ok two of the three kids are fine to float, but Teena is as always a bit weird…

Crossover: Glow-Garmel


“I hate these SMASTERS” may Glow-garmel shout while he waves his mesh. Gargamel is a very mean character in the smurfs, and he ruins the perfect live in the smurf village. Combined with Scare glow he does glow of course, but also got a purple collar and skeleton- hands of course! His even meaner cat Azrael is now Panthor. I’ll call him Azraelor! Very simple to crossover, any violet cat will make a MOTU fan think of Panthor..

So far so good, black background and aura around his head are fine. BUT the smurfs gave me headaches, maybe because I tried to put too many details in a tiny object. Man-E-faces might be obvious (though he’s got that olfactory bulb), he is now Man-E-smurf, but Stratos (Strato smurf, hmhm!) was not a good choice. He has just not enough outstanding details. And yes, he tries to climb down the table, while he is obviously able to fly. That’s smurf in a nutshell, isn’t it?

Yeah but the table… I was not able to get that perspective, and very clear: Drawing everything in the same layer does not help! I tried, because I didn’t know better, and that made it impossible to erase and try again. A new layer for table would have given me all options to work it out.

Be what it is, this was an early work in Autodesk Sketchbook and it is not too bad I think! More to come


Crossover: Dr. Bladels and Stinkis


I’m not sure how many of you got to know Dr. Snuggles, the warm-hearted hero in a world full of magic and technology. If you don’t, sorry, but you have missed out on something really unique! Watch it now, in a moment when you are really open for some weird stuff. His friend Dennis is a badger, he’s got a mouse friend, a robot, a space ship and so much more. Crossing him with Blade, the MOTU movie character, took a lot of his innocence, even though I only gave him a knife and an eye cap. In the comic, Dr. Snuggles appears to be much fitter than his body might make you think, so fear Dr. Bladels! Dennis became Stinkis, and he used to be a kind and handy friend. Stinkor is similar, maybe not looking friendly, but always helping. Obviously his odor causes some irritation, imagine the situation as introduction of the new assistant. There would be a *boing* sound in the cartoon. I managed to let the sun shine, and I’m proud of how the horizon looks realistic.